Sharpening Services for Animal Groomers
A high quality pet grooming shears take a lot of abuse and should be sharpened every three months or about 300 pet groomings.

Simply Sharper can assist your grooming business by professionally sharpening your clipper blades and shears to avoid your blades from catching, cutting unevening, or causing yelps from your clients. In many cases, it is more cost effective to sharpen than it is to replace. We strive to bring your clipper blades and trimming shears back to a like new condition with an emphasis on quality sharpening, fast turn-around time, and fair prices.
To have your shears, knives, scissors, etc. sharpened, call us at 920-470-0825 or use our mail in order form found on our contact page.
All shears and thinners, when returned, are extremely sharp. Because each blade is individually custom hand honed, they are usually sharper then when bought new. If you are not comfortable or use to a razor edge on your shears, then you can cut a piece of end paper or a paper towel, using the full length of the blades 2-5 times or until desired comfort is reached.